Experience the healing powers of Bioenergetic Therapy to balance your body at the cellular level physically and energetically. Bioenergetic Therapy utilizes light manual therapy and energy work which promotes healing, clearing and balancing via the seven energy centers (chakras) along the central channel of the body.
Bioenergetic Balancing Provides:
hands-on-healing that works with your energy field
balance and healing to your entire being
release of stress on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically
healing on the cellular level
release of deep tension held in the physical and vibration field of our body, mind and aura
Sessions may include a combination of:
gentle manual therapy to induce deep relaxation
aura and subtle body (chakra) balancing and cleansing
bioenergetic rebuilding if energy is low or stagnant, or if there are empty spaces in the vibrational field
aligning and/or realigning the divine core
breathing, meditation, and/or visualization
What to Wear
Please dress in something comfortable that is easy to breath and move in such as casual clothing that gives you full range of motion. We recommend wearing clothing such as for exercise or yoga.
Note: patients are wearing clothing (no oil is applied). We keep our room warm at 78-80 degrees F. In addition we are equipped with blankets to keep you warm if needed.
Scheduling Policy
Appointment changes and cancellations are requested at least 48 hours in advance
Cancellations received after 24 hours notice will be charged a cancellation flat-fee of $50 for the session.