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YFG Relief Retreat - For All Individuals Dealing With Any Form of Loss
YFG Relief Workshop and Training - For Mental/Health Care Professionals & Yoga Therapists

The fact that grief is a normal reaction to loss doesn't make it any easier to go through. Even though grieving is thought to be mostly emotional, it also has specific physical symptoms. Yoga can be instrumental in addressing the symptoms of grief because it focuses on mind, body, and spirit, the three areas where grief manifests—and often goes unacknowledged.

​Program Dates​


​4-Day YFG Retreat


next offering to be confirmed

Early bird discount (save $100!) 

Registration deadline -- 


Therapist's Note: The 4-day retreat is the prerequisite for Antonio's YFG Level 1 Training; details below.

2-Day YFG Workshop 


next offering to be confirmed


Facilitator: Antonio Sausys, B.A., M.A., C-IAYT

Antonio is a somatic psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience combining psychotherapy and the teachings and practices of Yoga. He teaches Yoga for Grief Relief periodically at UC Berkeley, CIIS, Kripalu and abroad. He founded and produces the International Yoga Therapy Conference and is a TV host for YogiViews. |  |  |

Program Details

Yoga for Grief Relief Retreat


This retreat is for those dealing with any form of loss, including changes in health, relationships, job status, as well as the passing of someone in your life. This retreat is for all ages and levels. No yoga experience necessary, beginners welcome​​​.


The fact that grief is a normal reaction to loss doesn’t make it any easier to go through. Even though grieving is thought to be mostly emotional, it also has specific physical symptoms. Yoga can be instrumental in addressing the symptoms of grief because it focuses on mind, body, and spirit, the three areas where grief manifests—and often goes unacknowledged. This Yoga for Grief Relief Retreat offers techniques that can help individuals move through the pain of loss to find release and relief in a safe environment where to explore and share One’s personal experience of grief.



Participants learn:


* General information about grief

* The physical symptoms of grief and their psychoneurological basis

* Simple yoga exercises that address symptoms while transforming grief into a resource for personal growth

* Helpful techniques, thoughtful insights, and useful tips for relieving grief.


The combination of theoretical lecture and experiential work can help the heart of anyone who is grieving a loss or those working with them.




"I feel that I have gained immense applicable knowledge for my grief process. This retreat revealed why - expectations and disappointment - and where my blockages are to living life for my highest good. I really enjoyed the practice (sadhana), the way you gently pushed us to see our grief and to identify our emotions. My favorite aspect was delving into uncomfortable or hidden or avoided emotions to be able to process and release or transform them. Thanks for creating a safe place to do this. You have such a kind, respectful demeanor. Best wishes! Thank you!" ~ Kara Kortegaard

Schedule (tbc)


Tuition Including HST (tentative tbc)

  • $595.00 CAD Early Bird Discount up to 2 Months Prior

  • $695.00 CAD Regular Tuition


Tuition fees includes course handouts. Accommodations, flights, transfers are extra. 

Yoga for Grief Relief 2-Day Workshop

Schedule (tbc)

Tuition Including HST




Tuition fees includes course handouts. Accommodations, flights, transfers are extra. 

Yoga for Grief Relief Professional Training Level 1


Level 1 Training Schedule


Sunday: 10:00 am-1:00 pm and 2:00-6:00 pm (7 Hrs)

Monday-Saturday: 8:30 am-12:30 pm and 2:00-6:00 pm (8 Hrs per day)

Sunday: 8:30 am-12:30 am and 1:30-4:30 pm (7 Hrs)

Even though grieving is thought to be mostly emotional, it also has specific physical and spiritual symptoms. Yoga can be instrumental in addressing grief because it focuses on mind, body, and spirit, the three areas where grief manifests—and often goes unacknowledged. Because we only grieve the losses of that what we are attached to and because we identify ourselves through our attachments, grief can be used as a powerful source of self-knowledge towards personal transformation and re-identification after an important loss.


This training is suitable for Health and Mental Health Care professionals and Yoga Therapists interested in adding Yogic techniques to their existing toolbox. It is also beneficial to those interested in deepening their personal knowledge of how yoga can aid the grieving process. CEUs are available for MFT, ASWB, NBCC and BRN.



Training Objectives


* To educate participants about Grief as a normal reaction and its transformation into a source of self-knowledge toward establishing a new identity.

* Lean grief related symptoms toward a differential diagnoses from Clinical Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder

* Identify grief’s psychoneurological basis

* Analyze Western and eastern psychological therapeutic approaches to support the use of Yoga as a valid tool to aid grief

* Differentiate attachment theories as seen in Western and Eastern conceptualizations.

* Learn, practice and guide the Yoga for Grief Relief Sadhana that presents six sections that aid the transformation of Grief into a resource of personal growth: Pranayama, Asana, Shatkarma, Relax, Sankalpa and Meditation.

* Learn the specific applications of the program according to selected areas of interest (Hyper/Hypoactive nature of the Symptoms – Addressing the Mind, Body and Spirit – Facilitating Grief through W. Worden’s Four Tasks of Mourning – Individual vs Group Sessions)

* Offer methodological guidance to integrate the techniques into the client-professional interaction.

* Identify the role of self knowledge regarding personal grief toward assuring 'intervention' versus 'interference'



Flow of Presentation


* Theoretical lectures

* Development of Professional skills through interactive participative work

* Sadhana and single techniques’ practice time

* Group discussion

* Case Studies presentation and analysis



* Yoga for Grief Retreat (3–6 Days) required for Level 1

* Minimum six months professional practice between Level 1 and 2

Level 1 Training Tuition Including Tax

  • Early Bird Discount 3 Months Prior $ tbc

  • Regular Fee $ tbc


Tuition includes course handouts. Accommodations, flights, transfers are extra. 

Optional Accommodations On-Site >>


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Heaven on Earth, Integrated Health Yoga Therapy, Integrated Health Osteopathy & Manual Therapy,
Guide 4 Golfers, Yoga 4 Sports and KCTV are
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188 Green Mountain Rd E.,

Hamilton-Stoney Creek, ON

L8J 3A4  Canada

(1) 905-664-9099

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